At the Blitz-Institute we see Networks not so much as only ‚Computational‘ or ‚Social Networks‘.  How do we understand, analyze, transfer and build parallel distributive networks? We create networks more in a quantum-biological manner. We transfer therefore organic complex adaptive network patterns into organizational networks for processes, services or products.
What is our strategy? Our strategic intention is to put these network models into your current ecosystems as a turbocharger.  Whether you want to merge single divisions, regulate meetings, build brainstormings or design new organization from stretch, our ‚Complex Adaptive Networks‘ and Complex Network Organization help you to gain speed, capacity and coherence in your companies.
 We offer new forms of information nets and network model organizations. We want to design and build companies like brains. Highly Complex and highly Ordered. If you are interested in the topic of networks for you company, for your personal communication, lectures with discussion rounds, leadership and new information architectures contexts, let us know? Contact Dominic Blitz at his E-Mail:

Dominic Blitz