Welcome to the Blitz -Institute. We regard networks not only as Information and Communication Technology Networks (ITC), neither Social Networks (SN). Rather we regard networks as a more biochemical art and science, as alpha- and omegapoints of life, information and order.

Networks design our human life in us and around us. Networks construct, communicate and control data, regulate information in regard to human brains and human bodies in a more analogue, continued information program. Neural Networks and artificial neural networks work as complex adaptive in minds, machines and the whole societal matrix.


We took a very long road for a deep analysis and understanding of around 20 networks from nature, plants, animals and humans to the earth until galaxies and their quantum kinetic network organization. Instead of 20 sorts of networks we reduce it to three mods. Biology, Physics and Socio-Economy.

Vision and Mission

Our Vision are a better human life and our mission is to enable the understandings, codes and buildings of a new network organization for human mankind.

Please click at „The Network Moment“ and enjoy more information about future applications.