Welcome to the Blitz -Institute. We regard our label „Complex Adaptive Information Networks“ as alpha and omega for life, work, leisure, innovation and order: That means another „Organization Formgestalt“. Aside from Matrixstructure Organization and Project Organization, we call it „Adaptive Network Organization“.
Complex Adaptive Information Networks as the Shuttle Systems within these Organization Formgestalt design and develop our human life in space, in species, in humans minds and machines and the whole society matrix. Adaptive Information Networks e.g. create, construct, communicate and control data and regulate information patterns (like homoestasis) in human brains and human bodies. Neural Networks and artificial neural networks work as complex adaptive networks in minds, machines and the societal matrix, and so on. If you want to know more, invite us in your company!
We took a very long road nearly two decade for a deep analysis and understanding of around 20 networks from nature, plants, animals, humans to technologies and organization to galaxies and their quantum kinetic holographic organization. We developed and design own formulas for a better life and human healthy work.
Vision and Mission
Our Vision are a better human living and our mission is to enable the understandings, structures and codes for creating of a new adaptive network organization.
Please click at „The Network Moment“ and enjoy more information about our future dreams and applications.